Dr Yeoungjee Cho

Dr Yeoungjee Cho

Dr Yeoungjee Cho is a consultant nephrologist from Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Australia and Senior Lecturer at the School of Medicine, the University of Queensland.

She is a clinical trialist and current Chair of the Peritoneal Dialysis working group of the Australasian Kidney Trials Network. Her research focus is in clinical trials, meta-analyses and epidemiology, registry analyses in peritoneal dialysis and qualitative research.

She is a project coordinator for the Standardised Outcomes in Nephrology – Polycystic Kidney Disease (SONG-PKD). She completed her PhD in 2015 and has published over 70 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals.

She is an associate editor of the Peritoneal dialysis international. She is a current recipient of the National Health and Medical Research Council early career fellowship (2017-2020).

Dr Yeoungjee Cho